If you’re interested in reducing your taxable income and helping out the footy club at the same time, why not make a tax deductible donation to the Cougars before the end of the financial year this weekend? Thanks to our agreement with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF), people and businesses can make tax deductible donations of $2 or more to support and improve our club. We have two projects you can donate to:
· The Better Facilities Fund – for carrying out much needed improvement to the facilities at McDonell Park. You can learn more and donate to our Better Facilities Fund by clicking here.
· The Free Kick scheme – providing free footy for kids that wouldn’t be able to play without this scheme. You can donate and find out more about Free Kick by clicking here.
The target for each project is $50,000 – No matter how small, every donation will help!
To make sure your donation counts towards the 2017-18 financial year please donate by COB Friday 29 June.