Blog Post

New Registration Policy

A lot of work has gone into updating our Registration Policy, which is now available here for parent/guardian feedback.

A big thank you to Melinda Story who has done a lot of research on best practice and crunched a lot of stats to come up with the minimum team numbers required. We ask that parent feedback be provided to Mel ( by Sunday 18 February so that we can incorporate any changes and table the policy at the next Committee meeting on 26 February.

As the policy will come into force part way through the 2018 registration period it will be fully in place for 2019 but the following interim procedures will be adopted for the 2018 season:

Preliminary evaluation of the number of teams per age group will occur on 26 February. Prior to this time registrations from new, returning and transferring players will be considered equally and used for determining team numbers, and all out of age group requests will be considered on this date. After this date registrations and transfers will only be accepted if there is a vacancy in the team according to the minimum/naximum numbers outlined in the Registration Policy draft. Registrations for teams that have reached maximum numbers will be closed but players wishing to register or transfer after 26 February can elect to go on a waiting list for the team to see if an additional team can be formed. It is therefore important that all players intending to play in 2018 register before 26 February 2018. Families needing assistance with registrations can attend the Welcome Day on 25 February or contact Registrar Cathy Trew on or 0417 597 252 or or Family Assistance Officer Chris McGeachan on or 0409 013 023 to.

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